
The first thing to know about English training for companies is that the classes focus on whatever you or your employees want to learn. Even your free trial English class at your company in London is bespoke to you. Before your free trial class we discuss your goals, so that your teacher can try out activities to see what’s best.

Not only is the syllabus bespoke, but also the class and course length. Most people choose 90 minute classes for a course of 10-15 classes. Then after a short break for holidays, our clients come back for more! 

So what would you like from your English training? Normally people tell us professional English or general English, and within this English training in speaking and English vocabulary training. When you tell us about you, we give you our recommendations for English training topics to suit you. As our teachers have plenty of experience providing bespoke English training for adults, they will have plenty of ideas to devise a syllabus for you. 

Mix and match what suits you. Here are our most popular requests for English training for employees:


  • Hotels 
  • Restaurants
  • Dealing with customers and clients
  • Finance


  • Speaking and listening 
  • Reading and writing 
  • Grammar and speaking accurately

English for… 

General English training

What is general English? Definition: English for general life, tailored to the level of the student. So this could be speaking to British neighbours, buying a train ticket, understanding a film in English, or organising a party in English. In fact, general English used in daily life is our most popular request for staff English language training.

This means we design your general English syllabus based on what you want to learn. Of course, general English and business English can be combined in your tailored course if this suits your needs.

Business English training

Why is business English important? These days, we speak business English as a lingua franca, we communicate with native speakers and non-native speakers of English alike. Accordingly, it’s vital to make a positive impression, and express ourselves precisely and appropriately. English training for the corporate environment will boost staff performance at work and improve their professional relationships as well as their English language level. Business English and general English can be combined of course, to give you the best of both worlds.

Business English for beginners

For non-proficient users of English, we start with business English for beginners, to learn business English basics. Depending on your job, your tailored course may include business English conversation, and business english meeting role plays. You will improve your business English vocabulary through communicative practice.

What is business English vocabulary? It’s the difference between how we speak at work and in other situations. Business English is also knowing that you address a female customer as madam rather than missus (this does happen quite often!) Have you ever noticed how department store employees talk about fragrances while the rest of us talk about perfume? Accordingly, we train our students to switch from general English to business English words when the situation requires it of them.

Business English for intermediate and advanced learners

For employees with an intermediate or advanced level of English, we train in business English and communication English to boost English and communication skills together. What is business English communication? It could be business English negotiation, meetings, or speaking on the phone, to name a few. We widen vocabulary through business English discussion topics so our students are engaged in learning subjects that are useful.

Hospitality English

First off, it’s vital in the hospitality industry to use English well if you want to provide an excellent experience. So what is hospitality English? English for the hospitality industry is English tailored to dealing with hotel guests and customers in restaurants, plus colleagues and suppliers.

Hospitality English for beginners

Basic hospitality English is one of our most popular requests in London. Learners start with hospitality industry English vocabulary like corkscrew, gluten free, or mini bar, and this immediately enables them to carry out their jobs to a higher standard. When learners can hold a simple hospitality English conversation they have more job satisfaction and less stress at work too.

Hospitality industry business English for intermediate and advanced speakers

Managers and guest facing staff often want to learn hospitality English for careers at hotels and restaurants. This type of advanced hospitality English training allows them to perform tasks such as resolve problems with guests, participate in meetings and write high level emails. When employees master hospitality business English they will have the tools necessary to progress in their careers.

Financial English lessons

Thanks to the booming financial sector here in London we have many years of experience training professionals in financial english language. Depending on the level of the employee we may start with financial business english vocabulary such as “capital”, “debt”, “dividend” and so on. Try this great quiz on English for banking and finance here.

English for banking conversation

Would you like to specifically learn English for banking? Most of our clients in finance tell us they want to improve English conversation for banking staff. English for banking courses are tailored to the needs of the group or individual. Staff will learn important English words for banking plus general skills like how to have a meeting effectively in a bank environment.

Tell us your needs and we will draw up a tailored English for banking syllabus with the topics that you want to focus on. After that we create engaging English study material for banking that’s useful and focuses on the skills that you want to improve.

Case study 1: Group English training for companies

Group of 10 restaurant staff (mixed jobs from kitchen porters to wait staff) 

Level: beginner

Needs: Their manager would like them to learn English firstly to work as a team more effectively, and also in order to give something back, and improve their quality of life. 

Activities: Asking each other for kitchen equipment, structures to ask about task status: Have you _____ yet? Making conversation with customers in the resturant, answering typical questions from customers.

Case study 2: Private English training for companies 

Manager recently arrived from Poland

Level: intermediate 

Needs: To work confidently in an English speaking office environment. 

Activities: Role play meetings, practise of fluency in various types of real-life professional situations, practise English on the phone and emailing with lots of encouragement and correction. 

Group or private English training for companies 

English training in group classes is the most popular and cost effective way to learn English. Your employees just need to have a similar level of English and they can get a class together at your company. Check English level here in 10 minutes! Additionally, group classes are a great way to develop teamwork. Give something back to great employees at very little cost per person. 

On the other hand, private classes lead to fast progression with 100% of the teacher’s attention. Private English classes mean you can concentrate on topics that are most relevant to you, and prices are very reasonable too. Clients tell us that employee retention for staff taking private English classes is even higher than for staff taking group English classes. 

So what are you waiting for? Book your no obligation free trial English class at your company in London today!


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