How To Do Face To Face English Training In Covid

Posted on February 17, 2022

We all want to keep our staff safe as we return to normality. So how should we best go about face to face English training in London?

Of course, you can always opt for online English classes, with a 0% infection risk.

But some people just prefer face to face English training. It’s fun and a good way for employees to develop rapport. And when it’s at your company it’s convenient too.

What Do We Do In Class Now?

What we used to find fun were activities where everyone writes on the board or on one sheet of paper. But no more. Face to face English training in London had to evolve for the COVID-19 world.

Our teachers can still do collaborative tasks but with more of a focus on spoken contributions.

So where participants would write on one sheet together they can do the task orally. Where they drew slips out of a hat they can think of a number and get assigned a task that way.

Rather than writing on the board they can write on their own sheets and hold them up. Instead of mixing up pairs frequently the teacher can keep the pairs stable.

Before COVID-19, everyone would sign in on the same register. Whereas now, the teacher marks everyone present.

Some Practical Ways We Organise English Classes Now

Here are some of the ways we work with clients to deliver English classes safely.

Switching A Teacher With Symptoms

Thankfully this has never happened. But should a teacher present COVID-19 symptoms we would switch him or her immediately.

Using Screens

In our English classes we want to get the students talking as much as possible. But it’s good to have supplementary materials. Where possible, teachers and students can use screens for:

  • PowerPoint slides
  • PDF information
  • Photos
  • Short quizzes

No Sharing!

We know, we know. This flies in the face of everything we were taught to do as kids.

Consider The Clique

Maybe your company has several branches. In that case, consider organising staff from one site all together in one English class. They can deepen their team spirit and practise the English they’ve learned on each other at work.

Nice Big Rooms

Pre-COVID-19, sometimes we would hold classes in cosy little training rooms. Now we’re requesting larger rooms so that we can socially distance. We’ve conducted successful face to face English training in rooms that were previously not used for training, such as restaurants.


Likewise, we’ll always request a well-ventilated room, especially for large groups. Leaving doors open is also a good move.

Careful Coffees

If classes are 2 hours, or it’s a workshop, employees often benefit from a short break. We’ll plan out how best to stagger this and keep a distance if the coffee area is small.

Virtual Homework

After the class, the teacher may email the employees some light homework. Something like a quiz reinforcing what they’ve learned.

Get Face To Face English Training At Your Company In London

In-person English training can still be safe, and with a little creativity, classes are adjusted so they are equally as engaging as before.
Get in touch with our friendly team and start to improve your employees’ English. Write us a quick note here or simply call 020 8150 7239.


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